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RECO is a member of Networks of which some are highlighted below: 

Online Community of Practice for Forest and Landscape Restoration

On this platform members discuss topics related to Forest and Landscape Restoration (FLR). Members can use this space for expressing doubts, proposing solutions, uploading any relevant information that one would like to share with the community to the library, and a member can let everyone know about upcoming events by adding them to the calendar.

Information about the community of practice:

One Planet (10YFP) Sustainable Food Systems (SFS) Programme

RECO is a member of One Planet (10YFP) Sustainable Food Systems (SFS) Programme since 2015. 

The Sustainable Food Systems (SFS) Programme is a multi-stakeholder partnership focused on catalyzing more sustainable food consumption and production patterns. Our shared vision enables our partners to collaborate on joint initiatives, which range from normative, advocacy and policy support activities, to research and development projects as well as on-the-ground implementation activities that address our food systems challenges. The Programme promotes a holistic approach, taking into account the interconnections and trade-offs between all elements and actors in food systems. 

The One Planet (10YFP) Sustainable Food Systems (SFS) Programme currently has 175 members, which is composed of 3 co-leads, 20 members of the Multi-stakeholder Advisory Committee (MAC Members) and 152 partners.

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RECO Uganda uses your generous donations to fund projects channeled towards supporting local communities through Environmental Conservation, Agriculture improvement, and other initiatives to enable them become self-reliant and at the same time become better environmentalists in the community.

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